Well, not too much new writing, these last few days. However, I did do a substantial edit on book I of SK, which took a fair amount of time tonight. It was quite taxing, with lots of ping-ponging around to make sure I had all the continuity right and stuff. But it's basically done, and, baring any missed continuity efforts, I think it is done. It actually works quite well as a stand-alone story. It had motifs and an ending the references the beginning and everything. Also, themes. and an emotional arc. I am quite proud of it. It is probably, even on it's own, the best piece of writing I have completed yet. There are parts that are poetic, and parts that are mostly dialogue, and parts that are just purely engrossing action sequences. I still kind of find chapter one scary.
So yeah, feeling better about my abilities.
I am not going to post this one on scribd at the moment, but if anyone wants to read it, (cough mom cough) send me an email or leave a comment. At the least, if would be nice to have someone who can spot any of those continuity errors I missed.