Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just a lazy nowhere kind of day.

Just been sitting around all day, cooling off from the crazy topsy-turvyness of the last week or so. More emotional than situational, but also some serious geographic leapfrogging as well. Went out to buy beer earlier. Trying out some Harp lager (made by Guinness!). Recently I have been buying a variety of differnt beers whenever I go out beer drinking, trying to broaden the horizens of my drinking habits. Also bought pop, A&W cream soda and root beer, Sunkist. The Moutain Dew products were not on sale where they sold beer (why I went). And I feel I need to tone down the caffeine intake for a bit. I think I am cycially chemically dependant. I like my cheap legal drugs—caffeine, alcohol—but every so often you just need a break from them, you know? Sometimes, all you want to drink is water. I went a while without beer, and now that's back in my life (yay!). Now, caffiene is mostly something for breaks at work. Maybe I will switch to lemonade.

I am reading the Belgariad right now. Recommended at work. Is good. Like characters. Enjoyable read, but not strenuous, which is a welcome respite from that last couple things I read. And it is kind of fun watching Garion's world get torn apart.

Am on second Harp's. It seems to be a good beer, but honestly most lager's just blend together for me at this point. It might was well just be MGD right now. I think I prefer the darker beers, the ales and the stouts.

And Guinness. Mary's friend Ben likes Guinness. Probably even more than I do. He named one of his cat's Guinness. All I did was buy comemmorative glasses on clearance. (And buy a lot of Guinness.) One time, after drinking a lot of Jameson's, I went to the Trail of Dead show with Vahid. I got him a Guinness. He let me have a sip of it. It tasted like candy. God, I love Guinness.

What the hell was this post about?

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am presently enjoying a St. Peter's Old Style Porter -- I highly recommend porters as kind of an in-between place between stouts and ales.

If you ever come to DC you have to look me up -- there is a liquor store less than a mile from me that sells rare and imported beers by the bottle. Good times my friend.

- Sir Charles